Kirk Knestis – Evaluand LLC This report summarizes analysis of narrative evidence collected through focus groups for the Credential As You Go initiative’s incremental credential feasibility study, named as Priority 1 for the 3-year grant project funded by the U.S. Department of Education Institute of Education Sciences (IES). This research was developed and implemented by
Author: Kirk Knestis
University of Texas at El Paso NSF CTGC Evaluation: The University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) has engaged Evaluand to provide an independent evaluation of their Community-driven Inclusive Excellence and Leadership Opportunities in the Geosciences (CIELO-G) project, as funded under the National Science Foundation’s Cultural Transformation in the Geoscience
East Tennessee State University US ED OESE Evaluation: Evaluand is partnering with East Tennessee State University (ETSU) to provide research support to the Center of Excellence in STEM Education, for their Supporting Effective Educator Development (SEED) grant from the US Department of Education Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE).
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville NSF IUSE EHR Evaluation: Evaluand continues their partnership with the STEM Center at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) with a collaborative evaluation of a Design and Development Research study funded by the National Science Foundation, under their IUSE: EHR undergraduate STEM education program. The 3-year STEM
University of Mount Saint Vincent NSF IUSE Hispanic-Serving Institutions Program Evaluation: Evaluand is providing comprehensive, independent evaluation support to a National Science Foundation project funded by a grant to the University of Mount Saint Vincent (UMSV), under the Improving Undergraduate STEM Education: Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSI) Program. UMSV was awarded a
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville NSF S-STEM Evaluation: Evaluand has been contracted to analyze and report findings from data collected in the delivery of the Watershed Scholars program, an interdisciplinary, graduate-level program of the STEM Center at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE). Funded by the National Science Foundation’s Scholarships in Science,
New Jersey Institute of Technology Opportunity Meets Innovation Challenge Grant Evaluation: Evaluand provided external evaluation support to the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) for a project funded by an Opportunity Meets Innovation Challenge (OMIC) grant from the New Jersey Secretary of Education’s office, with support from the Governor’s Emergency
Kirk Knestis PhD – Inciter, Evaluand LLC Joselina Cheng – University of Central Oklahoma Claire M. Fontaine – Inciter Rebekah Feng – Becks Intelligence Group This paper has two goals: First, to detail processes through which a project funded under a National Science Foundation workforce development program (Innovative Technology Experiences for Students and Teachers,
UMBC NSF AGEP Alliance Interview Study: Evaluand was contracted to conduct qualitative interviews in support of the AGEP PROMISE Academy Alliance (APAA, NSF Award #1820971), a project funded by a National Science Foundation grant to the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). Evaluand Principal Kirk Knestis interviewed 30 science and
Goshen Education Consulting DoD STEMKAMP Evaluation Advisory: Evaluand Principal Kirk Knestis served on a six-member evaluation advisory board convened to provide critical friend oversight to STEMKAMP, a project of Goshen Education Consulting funded by the U.S. Department of Defense DoD STEM program. This out-of-school time learning program utilizes an interdisciplinary