New Jersey Institute of Technology Opportunity Meets Innovation Challenge Grant Evaluation: Evaluand provided external evaluation support to the New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) for a project funded by an Opportunity Meets Innovation Challenge (OMIC) grant from the New Jersey Secretary of Education’s office, with support from the Governor’s Emergency

UMBC NSF AGEP Alliance Interview Study: Evaluand was contracted to conduct qualitative interviews in support of the AGEP PROMISE Academy Alliance (APAA, NSF Award #1820971), a project funded by a National Science Foundation grant to the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC). Evaluand Principal Kirk Knestis interviewed 30 science and

Goshen Education Consulting DoD STEMKAMP Evaluation Advisory: Evaluand Principal Kirk Knestis served on a six-member evaluation advisory board convened to provide critical friend oversight to STEMKAMP, a project of Goshen Education Consulting funded by the U.S. Department of Defense DoD STEM program. This out-of-school time learning program utilizes an interdisciplinary